GoHealthy: Increasing mHealth app usage


Our app-GoHealthy works by constantly taking information from the user’s phone. It looks at the data from the accelerometer in both the X, Y, and Z directions. It also checks the screen state to determine whether the phone screen is currently on or off. Finally, it uses the current GPS location of the phone. In the event that the phone GPS is unavailable (such as when someone is underground or in some other non-reachable location), we have a default location programmed into the system. GoHealthy takes all this information and writes it into CSV files with the time stamp on the phone for easy processing once the data has been collected.

To get users' feedback, We built three buttons in GoHealthy: positive, negative and neutral. The user is asked to fill out this one-question survey after the app issues an alert, in order to collect data about which notifications are well-timed.

With a welled-trained machine learning model, we can calssify good versus bad times for users to use these apps. GoHealthy will lanunch a notification to engage user open their mhealth app when it is the best time analysed by our model